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Powering off & on
How do I power on my Soundwall?
Do I need to power down my Soundwall?
How do I power off my Soundwall via the app?
How do I power off my Soundwall via the computer?
Network Requirements
What do I do if I don't see the Soundwall setup network?
How do I reset my Soundwall if I can’t find it on any network?
How do I change my Soundwall’s WiFi network?
How do I find out what Network my Soundwall is on?
Can I connect my Soundwall to a guest network?
Why doesn’t my Soundwall show up in Airplay on my Mac?
Soundwall App
I don’t see my Soundwall in the app
Why doesn’t my Soundwall show up in Airplay on my iOS device?
Streaming issues
My Soundwall has choppy playback, how do I fix this?